Importers must obtain formal import authorization (Demande Descriptive d’Importation – DDI) from the Ministry of Commerce for
imports exceeding 12 million GNF (around USD 1,250).
Corruption poses a significant challenge in the customs clearance process. To simplify foreign trade procedures, Guinea introduced the Guichet Unique du Commerce Exterieur, an online one-stop-shop portal, in September 2019. This platform digitizes commercial transaction management, simplifies customs declarations, and facilitates the issuance of certifications and import/export authorizations.
Despite these hurdles, the expanding Guinean economy is driving demand for various technology products and services.
Guinea is part of the Mano River Union, which standardizes customs tariffs among Guinea,
Sierra Leone, and
Liberia. It is also a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which includes fifteen countries:
Benin, Cape Verde,
Côte d'Ivoire,
Burkina Faso,
Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, The
Niger, Sierra Leone, and
Import and export IT, tech, and telecom equipment into Guinea through IOR Africa's
Importer of Record and
Exporter of Record services.